Shade Sails

Triangle and Square

$ 55.50 CAD

Create instant shade with versatile Shade Sails.

Hand them in your backyard or patio, at your campsite, at the beach or during a picnic! Easy to set up and adjust, Shade Sails are a beautiful temporary or permanent shade solution.

Enjoy the outdoors while staying cool and protected.


  • 160g Polyester with a Waterproof PA Coating
  • Corner Anchors with Metal D Rings
  • Includes: 1 Sail and 1 Carrying Bag
  • Available in 5 Colours


  • Triangle Medium - 9'8"L x 9'8"W x 9'8"D
  • Triangle Large - 16'4"L x 16'4"W x 16'4"D
  • Square Medium - 9'8"L x 9'8"W
  • Square Large - 16'4"L x 16'4"W

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